Saturday Morning Ministries
Breakfast Connection returns June 5, 2021. Serving breakfast and fellowship from 9am – 9:30am. Funded by your appreciative donations.
We do have an Adult Sabbath School Class that meets in the Sanctuary and also another adult class that meets in the church. Please ask the greeters for location when you come.
9:30am: Bible Classes – Our children’s programing for Beginners through Primary will meet at 9:30am in the Fellowship Center. Juniors will meet in the Juniors’ classroom. Earilteen and youth will meet in the Youth room. You can find class resources online here. To learn more about our kids Bible classes, click here.
10:45am: Worship Service – Join us for a dynamic, interactive, Bible-based worship service for all ages. Be filled with God’s Spirit as we praise and worship through music, testimony, story, and a message to encourage and guide us to grow in Christ and service.
We serve a Fellowship Potluck the first Sabbath of each month. If you are a guest visiting us, we invite you to join us – we’ll have food for you!